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代用货币Representative Money Token Coin Token Money d45 代用货币是代表实质货币来在 市场 上 流通 的 货币 , 其货币面值与币材价值不等,但可以兑换的货币它通常为 纸币 , 确切地说是可兑换的纸币conv。

Security Token即证券类Token,这种Token算做是证券,所以是要归证监会SEC管的关于判断是否为证券由豪威测试Howey test决定1Is it an investment of money or assets?是不是属于金钱或者资产的投资2Is。

4 你可以使基金从你的购入机构自动转账5 针对计算机资金转帐的正式银行业条款是电子资金转帐系统或称EFTS6 自动取款机可以提供如下服务接受存款在支票账户和或储蓄账户间分配资金,通过信用卡帐户支付现金预付款。

2sweating the money 从货币里提取贵重金属成分 3holey dollar 有洞的钱币,这是十九世纪在澳大利亚新南威尔士州流通的货币,因为缺乏金属材料而将钱币穿洞 4token 辅币,具有象征性的货币,代表的价值高于本身的价值 5。


inflation money 通货膨胀币 ingot 锭 inscription 币上的文字或缩写字 intrinsic value 钱币上的金属原值 invest, investment 投资 issue price 发行价 j jeton, jetton 法语筹码 joint coinage 两地联合发行的钱。

Money is any commodity or token that is generally acceptable as the means of payment 译文钱或财富指的就是任何商品或者辅币 代用货币 ,它作为支付手段通常是可以接受的解释that 代替先行词“moneyquot。

public debtalso known as government debt, national debt the total amount of money that the government of a country owes to companies, countries, etc acuteof great importance or consequence critical 例句There is。

14 Token money could at one time be contrasted with#39full bodied#39money代币曾一度是 “ 足价”货币的对立面15 When I contrasted the two bicycles, I saw that one was older当我对比两辆自行车的时候, 我。


What Is Money and What Are Its Functions?金钱及金钱的功用是什么Money is something you#39ve been familiar with throughout your life In fact, you may already consider yourself an expert on the subject You。

var_dump$order_info#39pay_money#39die$body = quot订单支付quot$unifiedOrdersetParameterquotopenidquot, quot$openidquot用户标识$unifiedOrdersetParameterquotbodyquot, #39商品采购#39商品描述自定义订单号,此处仅作举例$uni。


and thus,even sacrifice other people#39s benefits,happiness or livesso,generally,it is not a bad thing that we like money,but one should not get too greedymoney itself is nothing but a token of value。

而用来表达单词中的并列和因果关系的连接语就是我们很常见的and还有because of,这个很简单就不举例子 在写作文章中充分合理地加入这种Transitional devices,就可以在很大程度上增加文章的连贯性,比如还是本文开头的那段话,稍加修改之后。

o If a player elects to move the money token and lands on a “new” space they may either then attempt to make a deal OR draw 3 cards from the face down stack in the middle of the board。


Woman, daughter in law Mother, this is our token of our gratitude, to you and Dad new clothes, buying point nutrition!Milk This is Two granddaughters Grandma and accept bar!Milk Well, y。



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